
World Language

The mission of the West Hartford World Language Department is to enable our students to communicate effectively in the target language, and develop an understanding of the cultures of the speakers of that language. As a result, students will enhance their ability to be responsible citizens in our global community.

We offer Spanish, French and Chinese as language options to all students.  Students make a choice at the end of 5th grade of which language they would like to study for the next three years. No matter the language chosen, the foundations of language learning that they developed at the elementary level will help them improve their proficiency in middle school.  Students will grow in the major modalities of language; interpretive (listening and reading), interpersonal (speaking) and presentational (speaking and writing). Growth will be made by learning in an immersive and contextualized environment. By studying the same language for three full years, students are preparing themselves for continued study at the high school level.